World Ocean Day 2023

June 21, 2023 Off By Destination Deep

Celebrating Youth Action for Our Blue Planet on World Ocean Day

– Thousands of events worldwide planned for World Ocean Day on 8 June –

Powered by its Youth Advisory Council, World Ocean Day 2023 is on track to be the most impactful annual celebration of our ocean ever.

Tens of thousands of activities, celebrations and other events are expected, including events hosted by schools, universities, youth organizations, aquariums, zoos, museums, dive clubs, marinas, and many more from all sectors. Collectively, these community celebrations and actions will engage millions of people in over 150 countries. Social media reach is expected to reach into the billions.

Youth play an increasingly important role in the development and growth of World Ocean Day in June, helping to raise the profile of the importance of our one shared ocean that connects us all. No matter where we live, we all depend on a healthy ocean to survive and thrive, and safeguarding the ocean will help us secure a stable climate into the future. 

World Ocean Day 2023

“As young people we have the power to make a difference and protect our oceans. We can be the voice for the voiceless, the endangered species, and the climate. We can play a pivotal role in decision-making and dialogue, inspiring others to take action” – MARIA

Youth engagement and leadership is critically important to bring about the transformative change needed today. On the local, national, and international levels, youth are engaging on policy issues to advance progress for a healthy ocean and stable climate.

For a fourth straight year, the World Ocean Day 2023 Conservation Action Focus, or theme, is to grow the movement to protect at least 30% of our lands, waters, and ocean by 2030 (“30×30”). This year’s efforts will build on the two major victories from the past six months where nations committed to protect 30% of areas under their own jurisdiction and also designate 30% of the world’s international waters as protected areas by 2030. For 2023, World Ocean Day event coordinators and celebrators are encouraged to share why they support protecting our lands, waters, and ocean to encourage national leaders to follow through on those 30×30 commitments.

World Ocean Day 2023

“To me, celebrating World Ocean Day means celebrating all the efforts that are made by individuals worldwide,” said Rada Pandeva, Youth Advisory Council Representative from Bulgaria, age 20, “It is a chance to recognize the progress we are making and to remind ourselves to keep going because our own wellbeing is dependent on our ocean’s wellbeing.”

The Youth Advisory Council is comprised of 26 members ages 16 – 23, who represent 21 diverse countries and backgrounds. They provide new and unique perspectives, ideas, and recommendations for rallying the world for action and the Council works together to inform and motivate their communities and countries, inspiring youth and others in June and throughout the year. 

“Celebrating World Ocean Day is an opportunity to not only celebrate the incredible life that inhabits the wider global ocean and my local seas, but to also raise awareness of and facilitate impactful discussions on the issues impacting the ocean,” said Caitlin Turner, Youth Advisory Council Representative from Scotland, age 22.

Young ocean leaders are innovative, tenacious, and passionate about regenerating ocean health and human health. Alongside the wisdom, experience, and expertise of adults, we can drive intergenerational collaboration. This is the key to co-creating ocean-climate solutions that make waves of impact.

The central hub for resources and action is, which includes a wide range of new resources and tools and customizable World Ocean Day graphics. Join with World Ocean Day on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.  Find activities, celebrations, and other events happening worldwide!

World Ocean Day 2023

“World Ocean Day and its global network is growing fast, with millions of people in thousands of communities uniting to celebrate and take action to safeguard our blue planet home. However individuals decide to honor our ocean in June, I encourage continued action throughout the year and use as a resource for your ongoing activities!” – Samantha Gibb, Senior Program Manager for The Ocean Project.

Meet the World Ocean Day 2023 Youth Advisory Council:

About World Ocean Day: Globally coordinated and promoted by The Ocean Project since 2002, World Ocean Day is an annual celebration on 8 June as well as a call for ocean and climate action throughout the year. Starting in 2008, the United Nations officially recognized World Ocean Day. This unique celebration brings together thousands of organizations and millions of individuals each year. Learn more at:

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