Kraken cocktail bar accepts litter as currency

July 25, 2023 Off By Destination Deep

The world’s first cocktail bar that accepts litter as currency has been opened through a partnership between Kraken Rum and PADI AWARE Foundation. On Saturday 29 July, beach-cleaners participating in a clean-up of Brighton Beach will be rewarded with Kraken rum-based drinks in exchange for bags of rubbish collected. The event will take place at Fortune of War on Brighton’s seafront, with special Kraken binbags, litter pickers, and safety equipment provided. The two-hour clean-up aims to clear every piece of litter from Brighton Beach, with PADI AWARE Foundation also diving for debris beneath the sea.

Hand over a bag of litter to claim your Kraken cocktail

After the clean-up, participants can redeem their hard work by exchanging a full bag of litter for delicious Kraken Rum cocktails. All the necessary litter picking equipment will be provided to the attendees. Registrations for the clean can be made here.

Ian Amos from PADI AWARE Foundation expressed excitement about the partnership with Kraken Rum and the opportunity to remove debris from Brighton Beach. He emphasized the importance of protecting ocean life and keeping the sea clean.

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