Paid VS Organic Marketing Efforts – A Dive Industry Perspective

July 17, 2023 Off By Destination Deep

Here is a timely article from Paul Tanner of PADI Asia Pacific as part of DiveNewswire’s “TIPS FROM THE PROS” series.

By Paul Tanner, PADI Asia Pacific

When the weather is favorable, many people are eager to go diving and explore the underwater world. During these times, paid advertising on the Internet can yield a good return on investment (ROI). However, in the off-season or during an economic downturn, this approach may not be as effective. This is where organic marketing comes into play.

As a PADI Territory Director, I have seen numerous instances where scuba diving businesses thrive during peak times by relying solely on a single advertising method. Not too long ago, being the top-rated dive center on TripAdvisor was enough to attract customers. Even small, new dive operators in larger markets found success using this strategy. However, this becomes problematic when a dive center needs to expand rapidly to meet demand, resulting in high running costs. Furthermore, TripAdvisor’s shift from a review-based platform to a booking platform has diminished its influence on new travelers. As a result, dive centers relying solely on this platform have lost customers and struggled to adapt to the changing market.

When a dive center starts struggling, they often search for easy and low-cost ways to save money. Unfortunately, this can lead to a decline in the center’s reputation for quality, eventually resulting in closure or downsizing to a point where profitability is still achievable. In the current post-COVID bounce, more and more dive center funds are being allocated to online advertising. While this may be effective now, considering the market’s recovery, the question remains whether it is a sustainable strategy.

To ensure the longevity and success of your dive center in a tourism-based industry, you need to have a long-term advertising plan that focuses on organic marketing and avoids shortcuts.

Organic vs Paid Marketing: A Dive Center Perspective

According to a Rock Content article, both organic and paid marketing have their own advantages. Paid marketing can quickly raise brand awareness and deliver immediate results, but it is temporary and can be expensive. On the other hand, organic marketing, including strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing, can be evergreen and more cost-effective. Although it may take time to see results, the impact is often long-lasting.

For dive centers, this means that while paid ads can attract a large volume of customers during peak seasons, organic marketing strategies can help maintain a steady flow of customers throughout the year.

The Value of Organic Customers

Organic customers, those who find your dive center through natural search results or word-of-mouth referrals, are often more valuable in the long run. They are likely to have conducted research and chosen your dive center over others due to the quality of your services, positive reviews, or engaging content. These customers are more likely to return, recommend your dive center to others, and even spend more money at your business.

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Read the original article here