10 Reasons Why Print Advertising is Not Dead

October 7, 2023 Off By Destination Deep

During a marketing budget planning meeting, a client made the bold statement that “Print is dead.” They believed that dive magazines were no longer read and that the new generation of divers only responded to digital media. While this perspective was powerful, it was based on perception rather than fact. This reliance on perception over reality can be dangerous for any business when making important decisions.


DEMA’s 2023 consumer survey addressed the issue of whether divers still read print dive magazines. The results, categorized by age groups, showed that a significant 69.2% of divers rely on print magazines to some extent when making purchasing decisions related to diving products and services.

The influence of age on this trend is apparent, but even among the youngest demographic, there is a reliance on print dive magazines. This highlights the ongoing relevance of these magazines for divers of all ages. (This information is sourced from DEMA’s 2023 USA Behavioral Consumer Research Report, which had 6,182 divers responding to this question.)

There are numerous studies that support DEMA’s findings. For instance, a 2017 study by Forer revealed that 92% of respondents aged 18 to 25 found it easier to read printed materials than online or digital versions. Brayshaw’s 2020 research also confirmed these findings, showing that print ads require 21% less cognitive effort to process. Additionally, multiple studies on Call to Action (CTA) statistics and sales conversions consistently demonstrate better results for offline media compared to online platforms.

In addition to the continued relevance of print in diving publications, these magazines attract a captive audience. Similar to a fish market, a dive magazine offers a 100% chance of reaching potential customers who are highly qualified and interested in diving-related services or products.

Print advertising, when executed properly, can significantly contribute to enhancing your brand
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